
About the competition


The European Union for Local Development Programme - EU PRO Plus, as its predecessor Programmes – PRO 1 and 2, EU PROGRES and European PROGRES and EU PRO, organises an annual art competition for high school students in 99 cities and municipalities of Šumadija, Western, Southern and Eastern Serbia. The competition intends to encourage students to learn about, consider and promote different aspects of longstanding relationships between Serbia and the European Union and explore their common goals and values.

The competition is also an opportunity to recognise, encourage and award artistic talent of socially engaged high school students, as well as schools in the Programmes area which most prominently and systematically supports creative growth of its students. 


  1. Motivate young people in 99 cities and municipalities to nurture and support social awareness, engagement and proactivity regarding their rights and needs;

  2. Encouraging high school students to take action on issues that are important to them and to actively work on developing and/or contributing to initiatives that positively affect their lives and the lives of their community as a whole;

  3. To encourage high school students to nurture and develop their artistic talents;

  4. To improve the learning environment in a school awarded for exceptional engagement.

Who can apply

Students of all high and grammar schools, regardless of grade, from 99 local self- governments participating in the implementation of the EU PRO Plus programme:

Students who already took first, second or third place in previous competitions are not entitled to receive any of those three awards again. However, they have the right to participate in the competition and occupy one of the remaining nine places.

2025 Calendar Art Competition Propositions


Competition Theme

In 2025, the European Commission celebrates The European Year of Digital Citizenship Education, helping students use digital technology in smart, safe, and responsible ways. This initiative highlights the positives of the digital world and teaches how to avoid risks, while encouraging students to be active, responsible citizens who live peacefully with others in diverse communities.

Aligned with this, the competition theme  "New Technologies for a Better World!" invites students to imagine how digital skills and technologies can create a brighter, more sustainable world. Participants are encouraged to explore:

Technological Advancements: How innovations like artificial intelligence, automation, and digital networks are positively transforming industries and daily life.

Digital Citizenship: The importance of responsible online behaviour, data protection, and ethical use of technology.

Circular Economy and Digital Transformation: How digital tools can support the circular economy by promoting resource efficiency and reducing waste.

Education and Learning: How technology can revolutionise learning, making education more accessible and inclusive.

Sustainability: How technology can drive environmental sustainability through smarter resource management, energy efficiency, and greener solutions.

Social Innovation: Using technology to create more connected, inclusive, and resilient communities.

Talking points for discussion with students

This year’s theme encourages students to showcase how digital transformation can lead to a more inclusive, eco-friendly, and forward-thinking world. Here’s how to approach it:

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship means being responsible and mindful of how we behave online. It’s about using technology in positive ways, respecting others, and staying safe from risks.

Think about your own online experiences—whether it’s distance learning, making new friends, or dealing with challenges like cyberbullying. How can you use these experiences to make the online world a better, safer place for everyone?

How do you behave on social media? How do you use digital tools for learning or working with others? All of this shapes our digital society.

Now, imagine how you could improve the digital world. How would you make it safer and more productive? And now, draw it!

How Can Technology Shape a Better Future?

Imagine a future where technology makes life easier, reduces waste, improves healthcare, and helps protect the environment.

Think about how AI could help doctors diagnose illnesses faster or how robots could assist in surgeries. Could smart technology make learning more personalised for all students?

How can technology make travel smoother and eco-friendlier by reducing traffic and pollution? Could smart systems help ensure clean water and air?

How do you see technology solving these kinds of problems and shaping a healthier, more sustainable world? Now, draw your vision!

Some examples to discuss with students

Here are some ideas to help students start thinking about their drawings: A school powered by renewable energy, using smart technology to improve learning and sustainability; Robots helping with recycling, or smart cities where everything is energy efficient; A world where people from different countries communicate through technology to collaborate on solving environmental problems; Illustrate futuristic jobs that use technology to solve big challenges like climate change, poverty, or inequality; As young people, your creativity can show how technology can transform the world. You might even imagine things that don’t exist yet, but could in the future; Your artwork should reflect how embracing digital tools can create a cleaner, smarter, and more connected world.


Competition rules

Format of Expression

Works submitted to the calendar competition should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Format: A3 (42 x 29.7 cm).

  • Acceptable form: illustrations, drawings, paintings or collages.

  • On the back of the artwork, please provide the following information:

    • A concise paragraph (approximately 30 words / 100 characters) describing the work;

    • Full name and surname of the student with their contact phone number and email address;

    • Year and class of students;

    • Full name, phone contact and email address of the responsible teacher;

    • Name and address of the school.

Submitted artworks lacking a textual explanation will not be considered. The explanations should effectively convey the essence of the artwork.

Example of the explanation to be written or glued at the back of the work for one of the artworks submitted for the previous competition

Example of the paragraph (around 30 words) that explains the work:
Engaging the youth in defining their own future through initiating the actions to solve the current issues in the community is crucial for the future of all the citizens in Niš. (this sample paragraph has 31 words)

Name, surname, contact phone and email address of the student:
Anđela Bučić, 060 000 000, email@email

Grade and year the student is attending: III2

Name, surname, contact phone and email address of the teacher:
Danijela Davidović, 060 000 000, email@email

Name and address of the school: Niš Art School, Prvomajska 6, Niš


General Competition Rules

  • EU PRO Plus will not cover the costs associated with creating and submitting artworks;

  • Participation in the competition is free of charge, and applications can be submitted by individual pupils or as part of a group (school) submission;

  • Entries that do not align with the theme or meet the technical and authorship requirements will be disqualified;

  • Only unpublished artworks are eligible for submission;

  • Artworks with inappropriate titles or messages will be disqualified;

  • It is imperative to avoid stereotypes, mockery, offensive or inappropriate depictions of vulnerable groups, their societal positions, lifestyles, and cultures. Artworks containing such content will be automatically disqualified;

  • Authors and schools must ensure that all elements of the submitted artworks are original and not copied from other sources;

  • All images used in artworks must comply with the existing Law on Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Serbia;

  • By participating in the competition, authors and schools grant EU PRO Plus and the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia (DEU) the right to use the artworks for promotional, publicity, news, educational workshops, information campaigns, and campaigns related to the competition's theme without requiring prior permission from the author;

  • Authors of the top artworks will receive credit on the EU PRO Plus 2025 calendar;

  • Previous holders of the first three places are not eligible for top ranking. However, they can still participate and compete for any of the remaining nine places;

Responsibilities of the Participating Schools

Participating secondary schools in the calendar competition must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Organise an internal contest open to all pupils and select up to ten (10) of the best artworks for submission to the competition;

  • Encourage teachers to initiate discussions and engage with students on the competition's designated topic;

  • Each pupil is allowed to submit only one artwork for the EU PRO Plus Calendar Competition;

  • The submission deadline for artworks is 13 November, 2024, by 16:00.

  • Artworks selected for the competition must be sent by mail to the EU PRO Plus Belgrade office at the following address:

    Attn: "Art competition"
    Skrelićeva 4,
    11000 Belgrade

Additionally, apart from the individual artwork competition, schools can earn recognition and awards based on the quality of the organisation of internal school competitions. To qualify for this award, the internal school competition should be documented and the information about it is to be submitted in the form of a brief written description, accompanied by photographs and/or videos. These materials should be sent alongside the artworks.


Selection Process

  • Samo pristigli radovi koji se u potpunosti pridržavaju pravila konkursa će se kvalifikovati za početni krug ocenjivanja;

  • Only submitted artworks that fully adhere to the competition rules will qualify for the initial round of evaluation;

  • The top 20 artworks from this round will be showcased on the official EU PRO Plus website and become eligible for online voting;

  • Online voting will be open for five days and accessible to all citizens of Serbia;

  • After the conclusion of the online voting period, all votes will be tallied. The artwork with the highest number of likes will receive one vote from the public, equivalent to one vote from other members of the jury;

  • The EU PRO Plus’ Selection Committee, comprising at least four members, with at least one member possessing an artistic background, will oversee the next phase;

  • From the 12 shortlisted works, the Selection Committee will declare the three best artworks;  

  • It's important to note that only one artwork per school can be selected among the top 12, irrespective of its ranking after the online vote.


Prizes for Pupils and Teachers

The following awards will be presented for 12 best works:

  • The first prize – laptop computer

  • The second and the third prize – tablets

  • Nine consolation prizes – mobile phones

  • Tablets will be awarded to the mentors of the three first-prized participants (one per school).

Prize for the Winning School

The Selection Committee will also evaluate the school's dedication to organising the internal school competition. One secondary school that demonstrates exceptional commitment, both in terms of the quantity and quality of submitted works, will receive a special prize.

This winning school will be granted a valuable award, including a laptop computer, a projector, and associated equipment. These resources are intended to enhance the learning environment and educational opportunities for their students.

Prize Awards Ceremony

EU PRO Plus will host an awards ceremony in December 2024. Participants will be timely informed regarding the award presenting event. The ceremony will include an exhibition showcasing the best submitted artworks, along with the presentation of the EU PRO Plus calendar for 2025.



  • The submission deadline for artworks is November 13, 2024, by 16:00.

  • Artworks selected for the competition must be sent by mail to the EU PRO Plus Belgrade office at the following address:

    Attn: "Art competition"
    Skrelićeva 4,
    11000 Belgrade
