Lebane: A year since last visit, the “Sun” Day Care Centre renovated via EU PRO Plus (EPP) is now ready to brighten the lives of 30 kids with disabilities. (Project value: 162,240 Euros).
Leskovac: The Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, funded partly by the EU, propels Leskovac as an eco-champion with EU wastewater standards compliance. (EU funds: 10 million Euros).
Leskovac: Engaging exchange with the Centre for Development of Jablanički and Pčinjski District included the joint project with EPP which empowers 150 SMEs in adopting eco-friendly practices. (EU funds: 49,983 Euros).
NGO Spirit in South Serbia: Meeting the passionate forces behind change, including Jugpress media and Tim 42, Leskovac, working tirelessly for their communities' betterment.
Vladičin Han: In the Cultural Centre, renovated within EU PRO, we meet the EU-funded “Reload”, implemented by UNDP, which supports youth, vulnerable groups, and development of public health, environment, and tourism, shaping a brighter future together.
Vladičin Han: European Union Support to Social Housing and Active Inclusion (EU SHAI) Programme transforming lives, as 33 families find new hope through housing support, vocational training, and employment opportunities. (Project value: 665,232 Euros).
Velika Plana: EU PRO Plus energy efficiency project in “Karađorđe” Primary School boasts improved and enhanced learning environments for 236 children. (EU funds: 110,960 Euros).
Velika Plana: The EU PRO Plus Project brings hope to 50 children with disabilities, providing essential services and classroom adaptations. (Project value: 28,610 Euros).
Šabac: With Mayor Pajić we unveiled the Scientific Centre “Factory of Ideas for the 21st Century”, which provides working/accomodation space to contribute to nurturing young minds. (Project value: 373,117 Euros).
Šabac: Fresh Start with EU SHAI “Support for Independent Living – A New Beginning” project, providing 22 social housing units. (Project value: 1,107,608 Euros).
Ljubovija: Municipal representatives lead us to the EU SHAI project with 14 new apartments for vulnerable families. (Project value: 514,195 Euros).
Ljubovija: Visit to the kindergarten reconstructed within EU PRO Plus to enhance education conditions for 240 children and 30 employees. (Project value: 199,350 Euros).
Užice: Mayor Jelena Raković Radivojević showcases the progress of work on the local infrastructure project revitalising the tuberculosis treatment clinic. (Project value: 439,831 Euros).
The Civil Society Connection: Engaging with vibrant NGOs, we meet organisations like Association “Duga”, Užice Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, and Citizen Association “Forca”, working relentlessly for their communities.
Mataruška Spa: With the EU, water supply is to be brought to hotels, sports centres, and households, aligning with local plans to revive this once popular vacation and rehabilitation spot. (Project value: 419,250 Euros).
Kraljevo: Visiting the “Day Care Centre for People with Disabilities” project, a beacon of hope for 40 people with autism. (Project value: 28,884 Euros).
Kraljevo: Empowering Green Energy with the Regional Chamber of Commerce drives the “Supporting Green Energy” project, enhancing SMEs knowledge in local economic development. (EU: 32,710 Euros).
Ćuprija: With Mayor Antić visiting progress of the renovation of the Community Centre in Supska village intended to breathe new spirit of culture and togetherness into the local community. (Project value: 278,683 Euros).
Ćuprija: Exploring the site of the “Minel” Industrial Zone project, which will boost power supply capacities for 27 companies and pave the way for more jobs locally. (Project value: 198,201 Euros).
Aleksinac: Mayor Radičević showcases the successful work of the open market reconstructed via EU PRO project, benefiting producers and customers alike. (Project value: 190,889 Euros).
NGO Powerhouse: Engaging with vibrant NGOs, including Proactive, Society for Creative Development, Eurocontact, Sokobanja Ecological Society, and Kruševac Education Centre, driving change in the region.
Surdulica: Meeting Minister Novica Tončev and municipal leaders for a visit to the EU SHAI project at the Roma Centre, uplifting the life of the vulnerable populations. (Project value: 161,757 Euros).
Surdulica: Talking to SME “Veličković” Family Dairy owner that increased the number of employees, production and product quality after receiving support through EU PRO project. (Project value: 79,316 Euros).
Bosilegrad: Mayor Vladimir Zaharijev welcomes us to a building site of a project converting a former veterinary station into a social protection facility. (Project value: 343,901 Euros).
Bosilegrad: The “Kobos” factory economic infrastructure project will reconstruct and equip the former textile plant to attract new investors and create local jobs. (Project value: 337,044 Euros).
Niš: Mayor Sotirovski joins us to explore the Puppet theatre building where via EPP energy efficiency has been improved subsequently enabling children focused theatre to work all year long. (Project value: 233,853 Euros).
Niš: The visit to EPP social inclusion project showcased the project focused on family support and forensic interview services for children, fostering a safer environment. (Project value: 19,258 Euros).
Niš: The EU PRO Plus BSO project “Bite of South” strengthens tourism and catering SMEs, creating a common brand and a food tasting centre. (EU: 48,518 Euros).
Žagubica: Presenting the EU PRO Plus project, revitalising the Health Centre for better primary care and Covid-19 treatment. (Project value: 222,691 Euros).
Zaječar: Mayor Ničić leads us through the “Kindergarten Renovation and Digitalisation” project, offering quality preschool services. (Project value: 336,771 Euros).
East Serbia's NGO Dynamo: Engaging East Serbia NGO Sector, featuring Zaječar Initiative, Mlavska Vojska, Nu dau, Eko istok, Timok Youth Centre, Čuvari Homolja, and Borani se pitaju.
Knjaževac: Sports Expansion: With Mayor Đokić, we visit the “Construction Of Sports Fields in Stadium” project, creating sports opportunities for the community. (Project value: 199,769 Euros).
Sokobanja: WIth Mayor Nikolić, we explore the “Reconstruction of the Drinking Water Treatment Plant” project, ensuring stable water supply. (Project value: 888,628 Euros).
Paraćin: Urban Makeover: Mayor Milićević hosts us for the “Amphitheatre and Children Playground Construction” project, enhancing the urban zone. (Project value: 205,381 Euros).
Paraćin: Visiting the location of the approved project of technical documentation development for the “Zmič” Industrial Zone, fostering business growth. (Project value: 76,249 Euros).
Svilajnac: Mayor Milanović showcases the “Roma Settlement” project, promoting social housing and inclusion. (Project value: 576,776 Euros).
Svilajnac: Visiting the “Construction Of Access Road And Utility in New Business Zone” project, boosting investment and job creation. (Project value: 246,401 Euros).
Svilajnac: The EU project focused on the regulation of 15 km of the Resava River helped avert the major floods in the Municipality. (Project value: 2.7 million Euros of IPA funds).

Belgrade, 3 August 2023

Head of cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union in the tour of development projects in southern Serbia