Ražanj, 15 May 2024

New sports field in Ražanj with the support of the EU

With the support of the European Union, the municipality of Ražanj now has a new outdoor sports field that provides conditions for playing sports and promoting a healthy life, especially among children and youth. The EU extended more than 80,000 Euros for the construction through the EU PRO Plus programme, which is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration. Along with the new sports field for basketball and volleyball, a protective fence and lighting were installed.

The municipality and the project partner, the Sports Association of the Municipality of Ražanj, organised a two-day tournament in basketball and volleyball for the students of the two primary schools "Ivan Vušović" and "Vuk Karadžić” to mark the successful completion of the project.

"We have been investing efforts to improve the quality of life of the population, we are reconstructing public and cultural and educational facilities, and with the help of the European Union we have now improved the sports infrastructure and ensured that young people and athletes have a new, modern field. In this way, we will contribute to greater engagement of children and youth in physical activities, but also to the physical health of the Ražanj inhabitants", said Dobrica Stojković, Mayor of the Ražan municipality, which participated in the realisation of the project with close to 27,000 Euros.

"The project in Ražanh is one of the 37 local infrastructure projects supported by the EU through the EU PRO Plus programme with almost six million Euros in order to improve the conditions for education, sports, social, health and communal services in the regions of Šumadija and Western and Southern and Eastern Serbia. I am glad that today we can see young people in the new sports field confirming that we implemented an important project for the municipality and all residents", said Dragana Novaković, manager of the infrastructure sector in the EU PRO Plus programme.