Paraćin, 15 March 2024

New Playground and Renewed Urban Spaces in Paraćin

With the support of the European Union (EU) through the EU PRO Plus programme, implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration, Paraćin has successfully completed the construction of a new children's playground and the renovation of its central area. This project aimed to enhance the cultural offer and improve urban mobility by connecting the central part of the municipality with the Crnica river bank.

The development of public areas, funded by the EU with 170,000 Euros, included the construction of an amphitheatre and a playground with a recycled rubber surface. The municipality contributed 56,500 Euros to the project and developed an action plan titled "Pedestrians are a Priority." Additionally, smart benches, free internet, and categorised waste containers were installed to further modernise the area.

The project in Paraćin is one of 37 local infrastructure projects supported by the EU PRO Plus programme in the regions of Šumadija and Western Serbia, and Southern and Eastern Serbia. With close to six million Euros in funding, the programme aims to improve the quality of life by renovating educational, health, and social care institutions, sports and cultural facilities, and enhancing communal infrastructure and public administration buildings.

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