Bajina Bašta, Osečina, 10 April 2024

European Union supports the improvement of living conditions in Bajina Bašta and Osečina

The European Union, through the EU PRO Plus programme, supports projects in the municipalities of Bajina Bašta and Osečina to contribute to improving the quality of life of people, improving conditions for education and sports, as well as the development of the local economy.

The Head of Operations II of the Delegation of the European Union, Martin Klaucke, visited the pedestrian zone in Bajina Bašta, which was arranged with the support of the EU of close to 180,000 Euros. In this central street in the municipality the water and electricity network was reconstructed, new lighting was installed, the area was paved and 22 new trees were planted.

"I am glad to see the finalisation of this project, the pedestrian street that is the centre of Bajina Bašta and the place for gathering and attracting tourists. Bajina Bašta has great potential as a tourist destination and it should be further developed through destination management and increase of accommodation capacities", said the Head of Operations II of the Delegation of the European Union, Martin Klaucke. He pointed out the proactive stand of the municipality to attract investments from the EU and other sources to implement important projects for the citizens.

"With the European Union funds, we reconstructed the pedestrian zone, i.e. finished the first phase of the main street, which marked our successful cooperation with the EU PRO Plus programme", said the Mayor of the Municipality of Bajina Bašta, Vesna Đurić. The municipality participated in this project with around 130,000 Euros. 

The European Union, through the EU PRO Plus programme, assists the municipality of Bajina Bašta in the preparation of technical documentation for the rehabilitation and construction of facilities within the "Braća Milutinović" sports and recreation complex, including various sports fields, a multifunctional facility, and accompanying facilities, in order to improve the tourist and sports infrastructure in the municipality.

In Osečina, the representative of the EU Delegation, Martin Klaucke, together with the Mayor, Nikola Tomić, visited the "Lane" Preschool Institution where with the EU support of over 71,000 Euros, the roof was reconstructed and the conditions for the stay of about 200 children were improved.

"The reconstruction of kindergarten is a key investment in social infrastructure because it provides children with better living conditions. By solving the problem of moisture and leakage, we contributed to the creation of a healthier environment for future generations. This type of European Union support is not only an investment in facilities, but also in the future of local communities throughout Serbia, making them better places to live," said the Head of Operations II of the Delegation of the European Union, Martin Klaucke.

"Through the financial support of the European Union, we implemented this project that directly affects the lives of our children, providing them with better conditions. We are aware of how important every dinar in our budget is and we have used this support to the maximum to improve conditions in the kindergarten. With the funds of the European Union and the Government of Serbia, we replaced the roof and expanded the facilities of the institution, and these are just some of the examples of how with joint efforts we solved problems that burdened our community for a long time," said the Mayor of the municipality of Osečina, Nikola Tomić.

In Osečina, Klaucke also visited the family enterprise Čabar Plast, which is engaged in modelling plastic products, tanks, tubs, sewer pipes, which with EU support procured new extrusion machines, which improved the capacities and competitiveness of the enterprise on the market.