Municipality of Varvarin

Šumadija and Western Serbia - Rasinski District

Level of development - Group IV

Active enterprises - 128

Active entrepreneurs - 779




Average income




Total Number of Projects
from 2010

164,336 Euros

135,202 Euros

(Donors 82%)

29,134 Euros

(Co-funding 18%)

128,341 Euros

Programme funds: 106,154 Euros

Co-funding: 22,187 Euros

37,884 Euros

Support to equipment producing enterprise- Slađan Mitrović PR Proizvodnja kotlova za centralno grejanje na čvrsto gorivo MS Term Bačina

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur producing central heating boilers and fireplaces plans to procure a sheet metal bending press to improve production and quality of products. As a result two new jobs are to be created adding to the existing three. The CSR activity envisages production and donation of a metal structure for a greenhouse to be used as the occupational therapy for persons with disabilities within the Centre for Persons with Disabilities in Kruševac.

Project value:

Programme funds:


24,458 Euros

20,124 Euros

4,334 Euros

Support to woman entrepreneur Milica Pantić

Support to Women and Youth Start-ups

Woman entrepreneur aims to establish production of wooden and glass souvenirs and procure a CO2 laser for cutting and engraving equipment. The CSR activity envisages supporting local manifestation Džemijada, donating products to various citizens associations, and donating toys to a local kindergarten.

Project value:

Programme funds:


6,852 Euros

6,167 Euros

685 Euros

Support to woman entrepreneur Marija Milenković

Support to Women and Youth Start-ups

Woman entrepreneur aims to establish a pizza production business and procure equipment for high-quality pizza making and menu expansion. The CSR activity envisages food donation to a daycare centre for children and persons with disabilities in Varvarin.

Project value:

Programme funds:


6,574 Euros

5,917 Euros

657 Euros

90,457 Euros

Construction of children's playground in Bačina

Local Infrastructure

Construction of the first children’s playground in Bačina village (2.022 inhabitants) in Varvarin in order to create a favorable environment for children and families thus reducing negative demographic tendencies.

Project value:

Programme funds:


90,457 Euros

73,946 Euros

16,511 Euros

35,995 Euros

Programme funds: 29,048 Euros

Co-funding: 6,947 Euros

33,854 Euros

Support to a food production enterprise Kalem Gogi d.o.o.

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The fruit and vegetable processing enterprise will procure a set of machines for washing, selection, cutting and cooking fruits and vegetables in order to improve production of ajvar and jams resulting in further business expansion, higher productivity and efficiency. The production currently employs one worker while resulting job creation is two immediate posts and additional five within a three-year period. The proposed CSR activity envisages donation of their products to the Soup Kitchen in Varvarin.

Project value:

Programme funds:


33,854 Euros

26,907 Euros

6,947 Euros

2,141 Euros

Provision of a back-up server for the e-permitting system


Improvement of the electronic system for the issuance of building permits through the provision of a back-up server, which will enhance its stability and availability for over 6,500 users that benefit from it every day. Server and network equipment were procured through the project, as well as necessary licences. The aim of this activity was to contribute to the creation of a more favourable business environment by improving the efficiency and transparency of the e-government and, ultimatively, to new investments. At the same time, citizens’ trust in institutions, as well as the quality of services that are being offered through the e-government will also be enhanced.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,141 Euros

2,141 Euros




Programme funds: -

Co-funding: -



Programme funds: -

Co-funding: -
