Total Number of Projects
from 2010
Support to a construction material producing enterprise - Loom of Fruit d.o.o.Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises |
The enterprise produces poles for anti-hail nets used in agriculture. It has a well-developed domestic and international market developed through a network of companies engaged in the installation of anti-hail nets. The grant will be utilised to procure a line for production of poles which will be an addition to the two lines already installed and will enable continuity of the work process and increase production capacities. This will lead to the immediate creation of three new jobs and another six subsequently. The enterprise has a history of conducting corporate social responsibility activities within the local community and will continue with donating its own products.
Project value:
Programme funds:
68,640 Euros
20,000 Euros
48,640 Euros
Support to a wood processing enterprise TLS Breza d.o.o., GlibovacSupport to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises |
The wood (carpentry) production micro enterprise will procure cylindrical belt drill, boiler and implement CE certificate resulting in further business expansion, higher productivity and efficiency. The production currently employs six workers while resulting job creation is one immediate post and additional two within a three-year period. The proposed CSR activity envisages donations of honey seedlings to beekeeping associations.
Project value:
Programme funds:
25,386 Euros
20,341 Euros
5,045 Euros
Provision of a back-up server for the e-permitting systemE-permitting |
Improvement of the electronic system for the issuance of building permits through the provision of a back-up server, which will enhance its stability and availability for over 6,500 users that benefit from it every day. Server and network equipment were procured through the project, as well as necessary licences. The aim of this activity was to contribute to the creation of a more favourable business environment by improving the efficiency and transparency of the e-government and, ultimatively, to new investments. At the same time, citizens’ trust in institutions, as well as the quality of services that are being offered through the e-government will also be enhanced.
Project value:
Programme funds:
2,141 Euros
2,141 Euros