Municipality of Kosjerić

Šumadija and Western Serbia - Zlatiborski District

Level of development - Group II

Active enterprises - 96

Active entrepreneurs - 514




Average income




Total Number of Projects
from 2010

95,206 Euros

75,343 Euros

(Donors 79%)

19,863 Euros

(Co-funding 21%)

44,110 Euros

Programme funds: 35,247 Euros

Co-funding: 8,863 Euros

44,110 Euros

Support to a food production enterprise - Ana Gligorijević PR Proizvodnja sokova Srberry

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur engaged in berry juice production plans to procure juice production equipment (fruit mill, thermobrick, cascade fruit juicer, duplicator for honey decrystallization and labeler) to improve production and quality of the product as well as to introduce new ones. As a result one new job is to be created adding to the existing one. The CSR activity envisages the donation to the local basketball club.

Project value:

Programme funds:


32,237 Euros

25,748 Euros

6,489 Euros

Development of project documentation for execution of construction works on remote heating system in Maksima Markovića Street

Economic infrastructure (technical docuementation)

The project develops an execution design for a new branch of the gas pipeline that supports tourism development and provides heating to businesses and residences in Kosjerić. The pipeline is designed to supply the "Srpsko Selo" tourism complex, a larger eight million Euros investment.

Project value:

Programme funds:


11,873 Euros

9,499 Euros

2,374 Euros


40,586 Euros

Programme funds: 31,268 Euros

Co-funding: 9,318 Euros

38,445 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in dairly production Milena Nikolić PR Prerada mleka i trgovina

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The food (dairy) family business, employing mainly women, will procure both equipment for the production of new articles and for hygiene improvement in order to meet conditions for the HACCP standard. Job creation is two immediate posts and an additional two within a three-year period. The proposed CSR activities include organising an agricultural education session for pre-school children on the farm as well as a donation of dairy products to the kindergarten.

Project value:

Programme funds:


38,445 Euros

29,127 Euros

9,318 Euros

2,141 Euros

Provision of a back-up server for the e-permitting system


Improvement of the electronic system for the issuance of building permits through the provision of a back-up server, which will enhance its stability and availability for over 6,500 users that benefit from it every day. Server and network equipment were procured through the project, as well as necessary licences. The aim of this activity was to contribute to the creation of a more favourable business environment by improving the efficiency and transparency of the e-government and, ultimatively, to new investments. At the same time, citizens’ trust in institutions, as well as the quality of services that are being offered through the e-government will also be enhanced.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,141 Euros

2,141 Euros




Programme funds: -

Co-funding: -


10,510 Euros

Programme funds: 8,828 Euros

Co-funding: 1,682 Euros

10,510 Euros

Zlatibor Zlatar Marketing Plan

Planning Documentation

The project is directed towards developing a Strategic marketing plan which aims to highlight the tourism potentials of Zlatar and Zlatibor and surrounding municipalities in Zlatiborski and Moravički District(Priboj, Prijepolje, Sjenica, Uzice, Arilje, Bajina Bašta, Požega, Kosjerić and Ivanjica)

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,510 Euros

8,828 Euros

1,682 Euros
