Municipality of Ivanjica

Šumadija and Western Serbia - Moravički District

Level of development - Group III

Active enterprises - 457

Active entrepreneurs - 2054




Average income




Total Number of Projects
from 2010

1,989,464 Euros

1,658,479 Euros

(Donors 83%)

330,985 Euros

(Co-funding 17%)

19,041 Euros

Programme funds: 15,210 Euros

Co-funding: 3,831 Euros

19,041 Euros

Support to wood processing enterprise - Đurđe Rozgić PR Radnja za rezanje i obradu drveta Osonica

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur engaged in wood processing plans to procure various wood processing equipment to improve and optimise production and processing. As a result one job is to be created adding to the existing two. The CSR activity envisages donation of doors and windows to vulnerable groups.

Project value:

Programme funds:


19,041 Euros

15,210 Euros

3,831 Euros


95,322 Euros

Programme funds: 74,836 Euros

Co-funding: 20,486 Euros

93,181 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in clothing production - GS Skaleti

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur is engaged in sewing clothes for known fashion brands. The grant will be utilised to purchase new sewing machines in order to increase existing production capacities and expand the range of products by introducing a new final product. This will lead to the creation of three new jobs. The corporate social responsibility activities the entrepreneur will be conducting include the donation of clothes for various events to the local kindergarten.

Project value:

Programme funds:


12,640 Euros

10,000 Euros

2,640 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in clothing production - Mial-Tex

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur engaged in the provision of sewing services for other companies will procure new sewing machines in order to improve production, increase productivity and open two new jobs, while the long term employment plan predicts two additional employees. Corporate social responsibility activities which the entrepreneur will conduct will include supporting children activities within local cultural event “Nušićijada”.

Project value:

Programme funds:


14,284 Euros

10,000 Euros

4,284 Euros

Support to a metal processing enterprise - Fruitech d.o.o.

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The enterprise is engaged in the production of machines for processing frozen fruits and vegetables. The grant will be utilised to purchase CNC hydraulic bending presses in order to improve product quality and productivity. This will lead to the immediate creation of six new jobs and another four subsequently. The entreprise will be conducting corporate social responsibility activities that will include the donation of kitchen equipment to the newly built local kindergarten.

Project value:

Programme funds:


25,400 Euros

20,000 Euros

5,400 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in furniture production Drvo tim 80

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The wood (furniture) production enterprise will procure a canter machine to replace the old equipment resulting in increased production. The production currently employs one worker while resulting job creation is two immediate posts and an additional one within a three-year period. The proposed CSR activity envisages a donation in furniture to the Preschool institution "Bajka" from Ivanjica.

Project value:

Programme funds:


13,158 Euros

10,526 Euros

2,632 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in textile production AMD TEKS

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The textile (sewing) service enterprise will procure buttoning and buttonhole and other sewing machines in order to increase efficiency and productivity and offer new services. The enterprise currently employs three workers while resulting job creation is two immediate posts and additional four within a three-year period. The proposed CSR activity envisages support for preschool children and local kindergarten manifestation.

Project value:

Programme funds:


13,123 Euros

10,509 Euros

2,614 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in food production Klas do šume

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The food (baked goods) production enterprise will procure a dough divider and dough roller machines to increase quantity and quality and introduce new products. The production currently employs two workers while resulting job creation is two immediate posts and additional four within a three-year period. The proposed CSR activity envisages donation in bakery products and organisation of social activities for the Association for cerebral and children paralysis, and kindergarten "Sunce" for children with special needs with the children from local primary school.

Project value:

Programme funds:


14,576 Euros

11,660 Euros

2,916 Euros

2,141 Euros

Provision of a back-up server for the e-permitting system


Improvement of the electronic system for the issuance of building permits through the provision of a back-up server, which will enhance its stability and availability for over 6,500 users that benefit from it every day. Server and network equipment were procured through the project, as well as necessary licences. The aim of this activity was to contribute to the creation of a more favourable business environment by improving the efficiency and transparency of the e-government and, ultimatively, to new investments. At the same time, citizens’ trust in institutions, as well as the quality of services that are being offered through the e-government will also be enhanced.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,141 Euros

2,141 Euros



590,161 Euros

Programme funds: 489,083 Euros

Co-funding: 101,077 Euros

76,187 Euros

Transportation Services for Persons With Disabilities

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF 1)

Establishment of adequate transportation services for the children with disabilities - beneficiaries of "The Sun" day care centre in Ivanjica Municipality

Project value:

Programme funds:


17,046 Euros

15,177 Euros

1,868 Euros

Improving the therapeutic advisory services in the Day Care Centre for Children and Youth with Disabilities "Sun"

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF 2)

Establishment of new, neurofeedback therapeutic services in the Day Care Centre for Children and Youth with Disabilities, including procurement of equipment, training for ten Centre staff, and research of the effects of the therapy.

Project value:

Programme funds:


17,171 Euros

14,998 Euros

2,173 Euros

Women and Queen Bees - Leaders of the society

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF 2)

Supporting 15 marginalised women from rural areas to establish honey production. The project foresees allocation of funds from 2017 municipal budget and amendment of municipal agricultural policies to strengthen local honey production.

Project value:

Programme funds:


18,354 Euros

14,189 Euros

4,165 Euros

Manufacturing of products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting materials

Support to Youth Self-Employment

Production of other products of wood, cork, straw and wattle, as well as production of holders for tools in agriculture and construction.

Project value:

Programme funds:


8,500 Euros

8,500 Euros


Support to Social Inclusion at the local level

Social Inclusion activities

Support preparation and implementation of local strategies/action plans for employment and social inclusion; Promote active inclusion and improved integration of social and employment services;

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,171 Euros

5,171 Euros


Professional Practice

Vocational trainings

Highly educated beneficiaries will be trained in the municipal administration, wherein a need for further staff was identified

Project value:

Programme funds:


9,946 Euros

9,946 Euros


478,552 Euros

Support to agricultural cooperatives on usage of new techniques and technologies in the production

Agricultural Producer Groups

The assistance will include, trainings for APG management and Study tour to one of the European Union countries

Project value:

Programme funds:


4,211 Euros

4,211 Euros


Development of the Main Design for the Kindergarten in Crnoljevo

Main Design Development

The development of the main design for the kindergarten in Crnoljevo which covers 20% of Ivanjica area and would contribute to providing accommodation to 115 children, which is 80 % of the total number of pre-school children in Ivanjica and should have positive impact on family preservation, upbringing and proper direction of youth at the earliest age.

Project value:

Programme funds:


6,298 Euros

5,667 Euros

631 Euros

Development of the Main Design for Ivanjica Sports Hall

Main Design Development

The development of the main design for the construction of Ivanjica Sports Hall. The sports facility is expected to stimulate youth, as a primary target group, to engage in sport activities.

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,579 Euros

9,450 Euros

1,129 Euros

Detailed Regulation Plan

Detailed Regulation Plan

Creation of DRP for the tourist-recreational zone “JakovićaPolje”

Project value:

Programme funds:


11,100 Euros

6,000 Euros

5,100 Euros

Detailed Regulation Plan

Detailed Regulation Plan

Creation of DRP for the business-production zone “Senjak”

Project value:

Programme funds:


16,095 Euros

8,700 Euros

7,395 Euros

Underwear manufacturing

Women Enterpreneurship

Underwear manufacturing

Project value:

Programme funds:


9,884 Euros

9,884 Euros


Underwear manufacturing

Women Enterpreneurship

Underwear manufacturing

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,000 Euros

10,000 Euros


Introduction of British Retail Consortium Standard (BRC) in company Flora

Introduction of International Quality or Food Safety Standards

The company is being assisted with consultancy for implementation of standard and certification body for certification

Project value:

Programme funds:


4,576 Euros

4,576 Euros


Introduction of Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001) in company Milutinovic

Introduction of International Quality or Food Safety Standards

The company is being assisted with consultancy for implementation of standard and certification body for certification

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,946 Euros

2,946 Euros


Registration for Protection of Geographical Indication for traditional agriculture product "Ivanjički krompir"

Protection of Geographic Origin

Provision of technical assistance and development of necessary studies and elaborates for Protected Geographical Indication

Project value:

Programme funds:


9,287 Euros

9,287 Euros


Manufacturing wood products

Support to Micro and Small Enterprises

Wood processing and wood products. Support to the “Hikori” enterprise.

Project value:

Programme funds:


13,366 Euros

10,156 Euros

3,210 Euros

Reconstruction of the branch of the main pipeline in the town area Lučka Reka - Javor

Local Infrastructure Project

By replacing asbestos pipes with the new ones the project shall resolve the greatest water supply problem in Ivanjica and thus contribute to creation of conditions for quality life of the local population and for the economic growth and development of domestic and foreign investors.

Project value:

Programme funds:


174,000 Euros

99,998 Euros

74,002 Euros

Introduction of Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001) in company Crown Forest

Introduction of International Quality or Food Safety Standards

The company is being assisted with consultancy for implementation of standard and certification body for certification

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,946 Euros

2,946 Euros


Feasibility study and planning documentation for Golija

Golija project

The project is to be devloped in partnership with the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Teleccomunicationa and LSGs, and implies the developemnt of Detailed regulation plan for infrastructure corridors, prpearation of the management model for Golija, as well as the activitoes aimed at improving knowledge and raising awareness of destination management.

Project value:

Programme funds:


195,000 Euros

195,000 Euros


Vertical Dimension of Good Governance

Good Governance

Developing policies and / or administrative regulations addressing vertical coordination and communication between the LSGs and government institutions

Project value:

Programme funds:


6,176 Euros

6,176 Euros


Support implementation of electronic building permits system

Support LSGs in implementation of electronic building permits system

The project is to be implemented in partnership with NALED and the Ministry of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure, and implies yrainings and mentorship support for LSGs and PUCs, recommendations for internal improvements, support for upload of planning documents amd obtaining inputs that can facilitate policy improvements.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,088 Euros

2,088 Euros


35,421 Euros

Improving the Efficiency of the Local Tax Administration office in Ivanjica

Local Tax Administration

Engagement of external employees to update the municipal / city tax payers registry database with the aim to Increased revenue source for municipality and reach sustainable level of budgetary resources

Project value:

Programme funds:


11,404 Euros

10,000 Euros

1,404 Euros

Support to Local Governance Reforms and Municipal Good Governance Competence Centres

Good Governance

Developing reform packages for improvement of the local governance; Support to municipal GG capacities and establishment of the Municipal GG Competence Centres

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,441 Euros

10,441 Euros


Provision of FIDIC conditions of works contracts training

FIDIC contracts management trainings

Provision of trainings for use of FIDIC contracts for Works to all Programme LSGs and on job trainings for LSGs that will receive CFCU Grants

Project value:

Programme funds:


9,091 Euros

9,091 Euros


Local governance assessment

Good Governance

The assessment will provide insight into the governance levels of the participating LSGs.

Project value:

Programme funds:


1,475 Euros

1,475 Euros


Don't allow to be discriminated based on gender

Local Gender Equality Mechanism projects

Raising awareness of the local rural population about gender equality, and providing support to single-parent families through local capacity building, awareness-raising events and an art competition.

Project value:

Programme funds:


3,010 Euros

3,010 Euros


1,284,941 Euros

Programme funds: 1,079,350 Euros

Co-funding: 205,591 Euros

45,122 Euros

Establishing a mobile team for assistance and support to families in situations of crisis

Gender Equality Mechanism

Establishing a mobile team for assistance and support to families in situations of crisis

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,682 Euros

4,773 Euros

909 Euros

Support to Disabled Children and Their Parents

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

Establishment of a weekend support programme for children with disabilities within the therapeutic and educational Day Care Centre “Sun”

Project value:

Programme funds:


16,842 Euros

14,147 Euros

2,695 Euros

Workshop for occupational therapy and professional rehabilitation ″Ray of Sun″

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

Establishing a work centre for people with disabilities, purchase of loom and pleating machines and training people with disabilities to operate said machines.

Project value:

Programme funds:


8,324 Euros

6,992 Euros

1,332 Euros


Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

Through the preparation of the "Nušićijada" festival, the gained knowledge and experience will be published and promoted as a tool kit for communities on realising ideas and organising events through a participatory process

Project value:

Programme funds:


7,466 Euros

6,271 Euros

1,195 Euros

Gender equality in the service of development

Gender Equality

Provision of support to the establishment and improvement of the local gender equality mechanisms in South West Serbia and Toplica District

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,657 Euros

2,232 Euros

425 Euros

Conducting participatory budgeting processes

Municipal Administration

Introducing participatory budgeting (PB) practices and process in the municipalities. Increasing the capacities of the municipalities to conduct PB process.

Project value:

Programme funds:


4,151 Euros

3,487 Euros

664 Euros

35,641 Euros

Detailed regulation plan for the Devići settlement

Detailed Regulation Plan

Detailed regulation plan for the Devići settlement

Project value:

Programme funds:


27,048 Euros

22,720 Euros

4,328 Euros

Detailed regulation plan for the Kušići village

Detailed Regulation Plan

Detailed Regulation plan for the Kušići village

Project value:

Programme funds:


8,593 Euros

7,218 Euros

1,375 Euros

546,638 Euros

Equipping and finishing works on the kindergarten in Bukovica in the Ivanjica municipality

Local Infrastructure

Equipping and finishing works on the kindergarten in Bukovica in the Ivanjica municipality

Project value:

Programme funds:


169,824 Euros

142,652 Euros

27,172 Euros

Moravica riverbed arrangement between the suspension bridge and "Jugopetrol" gas station

Technical Documentation

Moravica riverbed arrangement between the suspension bridge and "Jugopetrol" gas station

Project value:

Programme funds:


221,690 Euros

186,220 Euros

35,470 Euros

Procurement of X-Ray equipment for the Medical Centre

Infrastructure Equipment

Procurement of X-Ray equipment for the Medical Centre

Project value:

Programme funds:


144,614 Euros

121,476 Euros

23,138 Euros

Zlatibor Zlatar Marketing Plan

Planning Documentation

The project is directed towards developing a Strategic marketing plan which aims to highlight the tourism potentials of Zlatar and Zlatibor and surrounding municipalities in Zlatiborski and Moravički District(Priboj, Prijepolje, Sjenica, Uzice, Arilje, Bajina Bašta, Požega, Kosjerić and Ivanjica)

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,510 Euros

8,828 Euros

1,682 Euros

586,345 Euros

The Lakes of Golija - Myths and Legends

Branding of Areas

The brochure “Golija Lakes - Myths and Legends” was published in 2,000 copies and already attracted big interest at fairs and festivals. In addition, two mountain hiking trails in the length of 30 km were mapped, wooden furniture was installed creating places for rest, while one man was trained and recruited in the Mountain Rescue Service.

Project value:

Programme funds:


510,022 Euros

428,418 Euros

81,604 Euros

Nušićijada summer festival 2013

Support to festival

Support to the "Nušićijada" summer festival 2013

Project value:

Programme funds:


67,846 Euros

56,991 Euros

10,855 Euros

Promotion of Gender Equality in South West Serbia

Gender Equality

Promotion of Gender Equality in South West Serbia

Project value:

Programme funds:


8,477 Euros

7,121 Euros

1,356 Euros

71,195 Euros

Provision of goods and services to all programme local self-governments to advance local governance and promotion of EU related topics and activities

Municipal Administration, Communication, Good Governance, Gender Equality, Municipal Management and Development Planning activities

Provision of goods and services to all programme local self-governments to advance local governance, improve municipal management and planning, promote environmental protection, gender equality and raise information on the EU support, together with conducting competitiveness baseline study and citizens satisfaction survey

Project value:

Programme funds:


71,195 Euros

59,804 Euros

11,391 Euros