Municipality of Bujanovac

Southern and Eastern Serbia - Pčinjski District

Level of development - Group IV

Active enterprises - 262

Active entrepreneurs - 1263




Average income




Total Number of Projects
from 2010

2,485,551 Euros

1,940,044 Euros

(Donors 78%)

545,507 Euros

(Co-funding 22%)

372,080 Euros

Programme funds: 251,635 Euros

Co-funding: 120,445 Euros

47,275 Euros

Support to a dental clinic - Moja zubarka MM

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The dental practice plans to procure a digital orthopan with equipment, intraoral X-ray machine, system for digitising intraoral recordings and printer to improve existing and introduce new services. As a result two new jobs are to be created adding to the existing one. The CSR activity envisages free dental services for children from socially vulnerable families, primarily from the Roma, and refugees from Ukraine, housed in refugee camps in Bujanovac and Vranje.

Project value:

Programme funds:


39,319 Euros

31,889 Euros

7,430 Euros

Support to wood processing enterprise Cezar GL

Support to Women and Youth Start-ups

Youth entrepreneur aims to improve pellet production and procure automation equipment. The CSR activity envisages donating pellets to local schools and kindergartens.

Project value:

Programme funds:


7,956 Euros

6,741 Euros

1,215 Euros

324,805 Euros

Second phase of construction the Bujanovac transfer station

Local Infrastructure

The second phase of construction of a transfer station in Bujanovac enables the extension of garbage collection to rural areas while treated waste will be stored into the roll containers, transported and disposed on the landfill “Meteris” in Vranje. Besides the local propulation the project contributes to the environment protection and to the work of ten local and regional recyclers, 920 business entities, institutions, and organizations in Bujanovac.

Project value:

Programme funds:


324,805 Euros

213,005 Euros

111,800 Euros

480,061 Euros

Programme funds: 304,532 Euros

Co-funding: 175,529 Euros

112,157 Euros

Support to a paper and cardboard producing enterprise - Roto Papir Plus d.o.o.

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The enterprise is engaged in the production of corrugated paper and paperboard and of paper packaging. An electric forklift will be purchased through the grant in order to improve the manipulation of finished products and raw materials, which in turn will lead to the creation of two new jobs. The enterprise will be implementing corporate social responsibility activities which will involve providing support to talented students of the local school and donations for the reconstruction of a road in a nearby village.

Project value:

Programme funds:


27,200 Euros

20,000 Euros

7,200 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in milk processing - Domaća Mlekara Maj plus, Drežnica

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur is engaged in milk processing and the production of cream and cheese and is HACCP certified. The grant will be utilised for the procurement of a machine for cheese production and milk pasteurizers, which will enable the creation of three new jobs immediately and an additional five ones in the long term. The entrepreneur will be conducting corporate social responsibility activities related to the donation of products to a local kindergarten, student dorm, safe house and refuge reception centre.

Project value:

Programme funds:


22,000 Euros

16,500 Euros

5,500 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in production of various items - L&M Lens

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur is engaged in eyewear repairs and will procure modern equipment for processing and installation of eyeglass lenses in order to expand their range of products. This will lead to the immediate creation of two new jobs and subsequent creation of another two. Corporate social responsibility activities which the entrepreneur will be conducting will include the donation of track suits to the local handball club, along with glasses to Roma children from socially vulnerable families that are attending the local elementary school.

Project value:

Programme funds:


16,800 Euros

13,500 Euros

3,300 Euros

Support to a wood processing enterprise - Mateja Pelet d.o.o.

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The enterprise engaged in the production of wooden pellets will utilise the grant to procure dryers for sawdust in order to improve the quality of its products and enable the creation of three new jobs immediately and another five in the long term. The corporate social responsibility activities it will be implementing are related to the donation of much needed wooden pellet to the local migrant and refugee centre.

Project value:

Programme funds:


24,960 Euros

19,200 Euros

5,760 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in food production - Natural Magic Žbevac

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur is engaged in production of fresh and marinated mushrooms and fruit processing, production of juices, compotes, jams etc. Utilising the grant, they will purchase equipment for fruit processing - a fruit washer, fruit crusher and pasteurizer. This will enable the creation of project two new jobs. The entrepreneur will implement corporate social responsibility activities which include donation of products to the local kindergarten in coordination with the local Red Cross.

Project value:

Programme funds:


21,197 Euros

14,697 Euros

6,500 Euros

2,141 Euros

Provision of a back-up server for the e-permitting system


Improvement of the electronic system for the issuance of building permits through the provision of a back-up server, which will enhance its stability and availability for over 6,500 users that benefit from it every day. Server and network equipment were procured through the project, as well as necessary licences. The aim of this activity was to contribute to the creation of a more favourable business environment by improving the efficiency and transparency of the e-government and, ultimatively, to new investments. At the same time, citizens’ trust in institutions, as well as the quality of services that are being offered through the e-government will also be enhanced.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,141 Euros

2,141 Euros


365,763 Euros

Upgrading Street Lighting in the Urban Settlement of Bujanovac

Local Infrastructure

The upgrade of the street light system will lead to safer living in Bujanovac and improve the quality of services provided to inhabitants and business entities. It will also contribute to improving energy efficiency and, through good governance activities, a system will be developed for regular consumption monitoring, including record of savings, which should be significant for the municipal budget.

Project value:

Programme funds:


297,269 Euros

150,000 Euros

147,269 Euros

Teaching Assistants to Local Teachers in Elementary Schools of Preševo and Bujanovac Teaching Serbian as Non-Mother Tongue

Social Inclusion

Support young people from Albanian community to learn Serbian language through engagement of six teaching assistants in the school year 2018/2019 that are providing support to nine teachers in conducting classes of Serbian as non-mother tongue in four elementary schools in Bujanovac and Preševo.

Project value:

Programme funds:


37,179 Euros

37,179 Euros


Relaxation of the body and brilliance of the mind

Fostering Social Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Municipalities

Implemented by: Muscular Dystrophy Association of Jablanica District

Partner on the project: Association of People with Paraplegia Vranje

Cultivating psycho-social and health status of persons with disabilities (PWD) in Jablanica and Pčinja Districts through introduction of an innovative therapeutic programme and teaching PWDs to independently practice therapeutic massage and art therapy.

Project value:

Programme funds:


3,702 Euros

3,702 Euros


Changes for Roma

Fostering Social Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Municipalities

Implemented by: Youth Forum for Roma Education

Partner on the project: CSO “Roma Cultural Centre”

Improving access to work of hard-to-employ categories of Roma population, through organisation of vocational trainings and internships, workshops for active job search, provision of grants for business starting and networking with the local institutions and business sector.

Project value:

Programme funds:


14,718 Euros

14,718 Euros


Economic empowerment of Roma women in Bujanovac

Fostering Social Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Municipalities

Implemented by: Association of Roma Women Bujanovac

Partner on the project: Municipality of Bujanovac

Economic empowerment of low-qualified women from Roma settlements in Bujanovac through organisation of vocational trainings and certification and through forming partnerships with National Employment Service and business sector in order to increase employment opportunities of the target group.

Project value:

Programme funds:


12,895 Euros

12,895 Euros


1,314,796 Euros

Programme funds: 1,116,242 Euros

Co-funding: 198,553 Euros

220,130 Euros

Joint Students' Cooperative as A Model for Overcoming of inter-Ethnic Distance Between Young Albanian and Serbs in Bujanovac

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF 1)

Establishment of a joint student cooperative aimed at facilitating the long term cooperation between two high schools - „Sveti Sava“ and "Sezaj Suroj“ and developing inter-ethnic dialogue between Albanian and Serbian youth.

Project value:

Programme funds:


20,975 Euros

18,878 Euros

2,097 Euros

Poverty Reduction - Creation of Employment Opportunities for Vulnerable groups through the creation of new jobs for collectors of secondary raw material

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF 2)

Improving employability of Roma waste collectors through equipping of the recycle centre in order to support better positioning at the market for recyclable materials and through strengthening existing network of waste collectors.

Project value:

Programme funds:


16,661 Euros

14,679 Euros

1,982 Euros

Manufacturing products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting materials

Support to Youth Self-Employment

Production of frames for bee hives and production of bee hives

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,000 Euros

10,000 Euros


Manufacturing of food

Support to Youth Self-Employment

Production of honeycomb foundation.

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,000 Euros

10,000 Euros


IT Business

Support to Youth Self-Employment

Programming and development of online platforms, software development, IOS app etc.

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,000 Euros

10,000 Euros


Empowering Roma Women in Bujanovac for Employment and Self-Employment

Social Inclusion activities

Employment: Contribute to economic empowerment and support for employment and self-employment of 15 Roma women through certificated training on sewing.

Project value:

Programme funds:


7,325 Euros

7,325 Euros


Empowerment of Women of Bujanovac and Preševo for Engaging in Entrepreneurship

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF 1)

Economic empowerment of women through capacity building that will enable establishing of small businesses and by providing grants for start-ups for the most successful training participants.

Project value:

Programme funds:


22,248 Euros

19,969 Euros

2,279 Euros

Cultural Needs of Youth in Bujnovac, Preševo and Medveđa

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF 2)

Research about the problems and needs of young people in Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa and promotion of the results of assessment in order to contribute to improvement of their cultural life.

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,478 Euros

4,977 Euros

500 Euros

Support to Social Inclusion at the local level

Social Inclusion activities

Support preparation and implementation of local strategies/action plans for employment and social inclusion; Promote active inclusion and improved integration of social and employment services;

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,171 Euros

5,171 Euros


Teaching Assistants to Local Teachers in Elementary Schools of Preševo and Bujanovac Teaching Serbian as Non-Mother Tongue

Social Inclusion activities

Support young people from Albanian community to learn Serbian language

Project value:

Programme funds:


110,128 Euros

110,128 Euros


"Take Care" - ("Arak tut " in the Romany language)

Social Inclusion activities

Pilot project "Take Care" ("Arak tut " in the Romany language) implemented by YUROM Center aims to prevent fire out brakes and raising safety of inhabitants in 22 Roma settlements. The project includes implementation of fire safety measures in Roma settlements and launching of awareness campaign among settlements' residents, as well as advocacy for increase of fire safety through mobilization of relevant national and local institutions.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,145 Euros

2,145 Euros


1,052,161 Euros

Development of the Main Design for the Construction of the Community Cultural Centre in Končulj

Main Design Development

The development of the main design for the construction of the community cultural centre in Končulj necessary to house local cultural activities.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,131 Euros

1,785 Euros

346 Euros

Development of the Main Design for the Construction of the Community Cultural Centre in Muhovac

Main Design Development

The development of the main design for the construction of the community cultural centre in Muhovac necessary to house local cultural activities.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,131 Euros

1,785 Euros

346 Euros

Development of the Main Design for the Construction of the Community Cultural Centre in Breznica

Main Design Development

The development of the main design for the construction of the community cultural centre in Breznica necessary to house local cultural activities.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,131 Euros

1,785 Euros

346 Euros

Construction of the Subotica Faculty of Economics, Bujanovac Department Building

Construction of Bujanovac Faculty

Construction of the new building for the Subotica Faculty of Economics, Bujanovac Department

Project value:

Programme funds:


939,775 Euros

767,345 Euros

172,430 Euros

Detailed Regulation Plan

Detailed Regulation Plan

Commercial-business and manufacturing zone along the roads from Nis and along the way towards Bujanovac Spa.

Project value:

Programme funds:


16,400 Euros

8,367 Euros

8,033 Euros

Detailed Regulation Plan

Detailed Regulation Plan

Formulation of Detailed Regulation Plans for commercial office buildings and manufacturing complexes along Gnjilanski road "Sector 6".

Project value:

Programme funds:


13,000 Euros

6,633 Euros

6,367 Euros

Playroom and birthday celebrations

Women Enterpreneurship

Playroom and birthday celebrations

Project value:

Programme funds:


8,329 Euros

8,329 Euros


Vertical Dimension of Good Governance

Good Governance

Developing policies and / or administrative regulations addressing vertical coordination and communication between the LSGs and government institutions

Project value:

Programme funds:


6,176 Euros

6,176 Euros


Support implementation of electronic building permits system

Support LSGs in implementation of electronic building permits system

The project is to be implemented in partnership with NALED and the Ministry of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure, and implies yrainings and mentorship support for LSGs and PUCs, recommendations for internal improvements, support for upload of planning documents amd obtaining inputs that can facilitate policy improvements.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,088 Euros

2,088 Euros


Preparation of general designs for Juzna Morava river watercourse from Grdelica to Preševo, with Moravica and Binačka Morava rivers.

Detailed Regulation Plan

Creating conditions for further development of technical documentation for the protection of Juzna Morava watercourse

Project value:

Programme funds:


60,000 Euros

60,000 Euros


42,504 Euros

Improving the Efficiency of the Local Tax Administration office in Bujanovac

Local Tax Administration

Engagement of external employees to update the municipal / city tax payers registry database with the aim to Increased revenue source for municipality and reach sustainable level of budgetary resources

Project value:

Programme funds:


13,568 Euros

10,000 Euros

3,568 Euros

Support to Local Governance Reforms and Municipal Good Governance Competence Centres

Good Governance

Developing reform packages for improvement of the local governance; Support to municipal GG capacities and establishment of the Municipal GG Competence Centres

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,441 Euros

10,441 Euros


Provision of FIDIC conditions of works contracts training

FIDIC contracts management trainings

Provision of trainings for use of FIDIC contracts for Works to all Programme LSGs and on job trainings for LSGs that will receive CFCU Grants

Project value:

Programme funds:


9,091 Euros

9,091 Euros


Local governance assessment

Good Governance

The assessment will provide insight into the governance levels of the participating LSGs.

Project value:

Programme funds:


1,475 Euros

1,475 Euros


Development programme budgets for 2016 and development of five-year Capital Investment Plans

Capital Investment Planning and Programme Budgeting

Provision of technical assistance to LSG in areas of programme budgeting and capital investment planning. The LSG is being assisted with development of budget for 2016 and development of 2016-2020 Capital Investment Plans

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,333 Euros

5,333 Euros


The use of gender-sensitive language in the Bujanovac Municipality

Local Gender Equality Mechanism projects

Contribution to gender equality in Bujanovac through the use of gender-sensitive language, sensitisation of local decision makers and production of a handbook in Serbian and Albanian, as well as the promotion of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,596 Euros

2,337 Euros

259 Euros

318,615 Euros

Programme funds: 267,635 Euros

Co-funding: 50,980 Euros

41,100 Euros

Building capacities of women Councillors

Gender Equality Mechanism

Support to the local Council for gender equality and strenghtening the capacities of council members through trainings and the development of the Local Gender Action Plan

Project value:

Programme funds:


3,204 Euros

2,691 Euros

513 Euros

Multi-Cultural Exchange

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

Promoting values of tolerance and respect for different nationalities and religions among Serbian and Albanian primary school students of first and fourth grade and among their teachers

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,211 Euros

8,577 Euros

1,634 Euros

Together to Victory

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

The main goal of the project is to ensure continuous work of a multiethnic basketball school for children between 5 and 10 years of age by purchasing necessary equipment and organising tournaments for the youngest categories.

Project value:

Programme funds:


14,741 Euros

12,382 Euros

2,359 Euros

Strengthening Vulnerable Groups in South Serbia through Presentation of Problems and Promotion of Solutions

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

Production of 12 special TV/radio/news paper reports about the main problems of six target vulnerable groups (children and youth, people with disabilities, single mothers, refugees and IDPs, poor people, ekderly and retired people).

Project value:

Programme funds:


3,551 Euros

2,983 Euros

568 Euros

Public awareness campaign on the preservation and improvement of women's health in South Serbia

Gender Equality

Preservation and improvement of women's health in South Serbia

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,242 Euros

4,403 Euros

839 Euros

Conducting participatory budgeting processes

Municipal Administration

Introducing participatory budgeting (PB) practices and process in the municipalities. Increasing the capacities of the municipalities to conduct PB process.

Project value:

Programme funds:


4,151 Euros

3,487 Euros

664 Euros

68,414 Euros

Main design for the Transfer station in Bujanovac

Technical Documentation

Main design for the Transfer station in Bujanovac

Project value:

Programme funds:


24,166 Euros

20,299 Euros

3,867 Euros

Plan for the identification of water source sanitary protection zones for water supply of Bujanovac

Planning Documentation

The plan was prepared and adopted and enabled preparation of the technical designs for the water well project. Based on the plan, the municipality prepared the full project proposal and received funding from EU PROGRES to construct the well. The project improved the water supply for 17,000 people

Project value:

Programme funds:


29,248 Euros

24,568 Euros

4,680 Euros

Local Tax Asministration (LTA) support grant

Local Tax Administration

Engagement of four employees in the period of three months to update the LTA database with the aim to increase the revenue source for the municipality and reach a sustainable level of budgetary resources

Project value:

Programme funds:


15,000 Euros

12,600 Euros

2,400 Euros

137,906 Euros

Quality water = Quality living

Local Infrastructure

Construction of a exploitation well as the source of water supply of Bujanovac and public participation in decision making process through active participation of the society in general

Project value:

Programme funds:


95,450 Euros

80,178 Euros

15,272 Euros

Purchase of effluent meters for four Pčinja municipalities

Infrastructure Equipment

Installment of 5 waste water effluent measurement stations in the communal wastewater collection system discharged to South Morava River - water effluents measurement stations breakdown per municipality: Preševo 1, Bujanovac 2, Vladičin Han 1 and Vranje (Vranjska Banja) 1.

Project value:

Programme funds:


42,456 Euros

35,663 Euros

6,793 Euros

71,195 Euros

Provision of goods and services to all programme local self-governments to advance local governance and promotion of EU related topics and activities

Municipal Administration, Communication, Good Governance, Gender Equality, Municipal Management and Development Planning activities

Provision of goods and services to all programme local self-governments to advance local governance, improve municipal management and planning, promote environmental protection, gender equality and raise information on the EU support, together with conducting competitiveness baseline study and citizens satisfaction survey

Project value:

Programme funds:


71,195 Euros

59,804 Euros

11,391 Euros